The Desai Foundation Trust concerned about women’s health and employment inaugurated a sanitary pad manufacturing unit at Untadi village in Valsad taluka by PNB Housing Finance CSR Manager Arpita Samal from Delhi. Pads are manufactured by women for women at this center.

Even today, in most rural areas of our country, there are orthodox beliefs associated with menstruation. Another unit for making “Ashani” sanitary napkins has been started at Shantaben Vidya Bhavan in Undi village to remove their shyness and keep women healthy. Desai Foundation Trust has provided employment opportunities to more than 3000 sisters for the last seven years. The organisation has so far produced 50,00,000 sanitary pads and sensitized more than 50,000 women about menstruation. This new manufacturing center has been started by Pahal Foundation managed by The Desai Foundation Trust and PNB Housing Finance Limited. This new machine produces around 6000 pads per day. The new production unit has already started employing 10 women. While 10 other women are already getting employment. The women “sanginios” selected for distribution will earn income by receiving a commission on each packet delivered on a no-profit-no-loss basis. PNB Housing Finance managed Pahal Foundation was thanked by The Desai Foundation Trust for financial support.