Deepak Malani of Vadodara became the Champion in Senior Bodybuilding in Mr. Gujarat 2023 “41st Gujarat Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship” organized by Gujarat State Bodybuilders Association at Valsad. While Vicky Patel of Valsad competed in Senior Classic Bodybuilding.
The prestigious Gujarat Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship, which has been running for the last 4 decades, was organized for the first time in South Gujarat. A large number of people were present to watch this championship held on 4th March 2023 at Rajput Samaj Seva Sandh Hall, Valsad. Mr. Gujarat 2023 “41st Gujarat Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship” sponsored by MD Fitness Valsad saw as many as 250 competitors from across the state compete in different categories like Senior, Junior, Masters and Disabled Bodybuilding, Senior and Junior Physique, Senior and Junior Classic Bodybuilding and Female Physique. This was the first time in the history of the championship that more than 250 players participated.
Deepak Malani of Vadodara in Senior Bodybuilding, Hitesh Patel of Valsad in Senior Physique, Vicky Patel of Valsad’s MD Gym in Senior Classic Bodybuilding, Sneh Parmar of Baroda in Junior Bodybuilding became champions in this championship. In which bodybuilders below 23 years of age played in Junior and bodybuilders above 40 years of age played in Master. All the divisions together had competitors competing in 26 different weight, height and age categories. All the winners will represent Team Gujarat in the 63rd Senior and 61st Junior National Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships to be held in April 2023. During the championship, the organizers awarded prizes worth over Rs 5 lakh to the winners. Gujarat State Bodybuilders Association has been working for the past 4 decades to promote the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. It is the oldest bodybuilding association of Gujarat and is affiliated to Indian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation and International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness. In which more than 180 countries are connected.