Pardi police will keep a watch on the criminals by riding bicycles

Eco friendly solution to see keep surveillance in Pardi town

Pardi PSI BN Gohil, PSI D J Barot ride on a bicycle.

Pardi police, under the constant guidance of DSP Rajdeep Sinh Zala, has now brought bicycles to keep a watch on the criminals. It was often difficult for the police to get into Pardi’s alley. The solution has been found by the Pardi police. Pardi police will now use bicycles to walk in the adjoining alley.
Three bicycles have arrived at the Pardi police station to roam in the alley. Pardi PSI B. N. Gohil, PSI D. J. Barot took this bicycle and rode on it. The bicycle has been given to Pardi police by Shiv Shakti Developers and Krunal Developers.


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