10 thousand people working as seafarers in Valsad district


The Titanic, the world’s most unsinkable ship, also sank. The submarine that was going to see it has also crashed now. At present, there is discussion of such an adventurous trip across the seas around the world. When there were no aeroplanes, only ships were used to go from one country to another. With the passage of time, people have started using air travel, but even today, big ships are used to transport goods. Those who operate these large ships are known as seafarers or seamen. To commemorate their life and work, Seafarer’s Day is celebrated on June 25 all over the world.

The celebration of this day involves learning about the lives of seafarers and watching films based on their lives, but this kind of celebration is rare in India. Also, very few people know what life is like in the middle of the sea. More than 10 thousand citizens of Valsad district are employed as seafarers, i.e., seamen. Generation after generation is their employment today. 99 percent of the youth of villages like Kosamba and Kolak are still looking for employment as seafarers on big cargo ships. I tried to learn some things about his life on this day.
Most of the fishermen’s communities in the villages in the coastal areas of Valsad district have been working as seafarers for years. 2 to 5 percent of people are involved in fishing in coastal areas. While the number of passengers in a large cargo ship is very large. Most of the fishermen go to various posts, from the youth to the middle-aged, as seamen. Who do various jobs as crew members on large cargo ships going from one country to another. In which they are working in the job of engineer to helper.

There are new ventures at sea every day, says Nitin Tandel.
Nitin Tandel, a young man from Dungri village in Valsad who has been working as a seafarer for the last 15 years on an oil tanker ship delivering oil from one country to another, while talking about his sea experience, said that he lives at sea for 9 months of the year and stays at home for 3 months. When they leave Mumbai, the sea changes every day. Heat, rain, or cold, anytime. As time zones change as they travel, so does their daily routine. With whom it is difficult to get in touch. However, their entire society has been involved in this work for years, and any young person can join this work. In the sea, not only the physical but also the mental condition deteriorates. Staying away from family for nine months continuously and staying between the seas day and night is also a big challenge. More than 10,000 seafarers from Valsad have accepted this challenge and continue to fulfil their duties and provide for their families.

With the new invention, storms are already known.
In today’s time, due to new inventions, information about upcoming storms in the sea can be obtained within a week. For which all crewmembers are ready. Such times are very difficult to face as a new seafarer. One gets depressed by the thought of what the coming storm or calamity will be like. Also, even big ships often capsize in the sea. Nitin Tandele says that there have been many incidents of the chair moving away while eating. Not 24 hours, but even 48 hours of sleep during a storm, and such incidents keep happening throughout the 9-month trip.

Only 26 crew members man the entire ship.
The International Maritime Organisation has made rules for crew members. According to this, any ship has 26 crew members. In which the duty of officer-level captains and below officers is 4 to 6 months. While the duty of others is 9 months. Large ships are manned by only 26 crew members. A typical cargo ship can be manned by 22 to 24 crewmembers. According to Nitin Tandel, his oil tanker ship has only 22 crew members. Who steers the whole ship together.


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