Vapi Industries Association (VIA) jointly with Auro University, Surat and Skilltelliegent organized an Orientation Session on Certified Maintenance Practitioners at 4:00 pm on 8th January 2021, Friday at VIA 2nd Floor Conference Hall.
The session was held in presence of Mr. Prakash Bhadra, President, VIA, Mr. Satish Patel, Hon. Secretary, VIA and Mr. Kamlesh Patel, Executive Committee Member, VIA.
During his welcome address Mr. Prakashbhai expressed the importance of regular maintenance practices at Industries to maintain safety and increase productivity.
The Keynote Speaker Mr. Atul Desai from Skilltelligent and Mr. Kishor Shrama from Auro University emphasized on following maintenance process and practices :
Breakdown Maintenance : This forced maintenance is done in case of breakdown of machines
Scheduled Maintenance : This kind of maintenance are routine maintenance and this should be done in regular interval to avoid breakdowns and increase the life of the machines and to increase productivity

Anticipatory Maintenance : This type of maintenance should be done when it is found that some parts of any machine is reaching its wear & tear period and needs to be replaced to avoid breakdown and therefore a maintenance is planned in anticipation
The keynote speaker pointed out that the Scheduled maintenance and anticipatory maintenance is very much useful to increase productivity, have longer machine life and most importantly to reduce downtime.
The event was well attended by over 40 plant managers, maintenance managers and maintenance officers of various industries members.